The time is: 11:42:34 AM on January 6, 2025
This page was last updated: May 3, 2015
We take breeding dogs very seriously. We have spent years researching Russell Terriers, basic dog structure and breed health. We do this to produce the best quality puppies we can. We are purposely breeding these dogs as purebred dogs. We want to only produce the healthiest, best tempered, best structured dogs we can breed. We consider all this when picking our next girl to show and hopefully breed from each litter.
I have heard many potential puppy buyers say I don't want a show dog, so why should I buy from a show breeder? Show dogs are not only pretty, they are healthy and good tempered. How many pet dogs would stand on a table and happily let anyone touch them anywhere while being perfectly still? And be around all those other dogs, all breeds without making a peep? Show bred dogs make wonderful pets because their excellent temperaments have to be tested over and over in the show ring and outside of it. That beautiful structure that you see also makes them very sound, meaning they shouldn't hurt themselves as easily as a dog that is randomly bred, all their parts match each other. Their correct conformation does not have the same structural weaknesses that can cause wear and tear as they age. The average person doesn't know what to look for, but the person who breeds for sound conformation does. So there are very good reasons to get your next pet from someone who breeds pretty show dogs.